The document shows that the products and services of the organization are produced in accordance with an internationally accepted standard. The standard has been developed by the International Organization of Standardization (IOS), headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, to which more than 90 countries are members. The authority to authorize certification companies is given to the accreditation boards of the member countries.


Benefits of ISO 9001:2015

  • Increasing the quality awareness of the employees,
  • Increasing the company’s market reputation (prestige),
  • To differentiate from competitors in marketing activities,
  • Benefiting from the commercial advantages of acquiring an internationally valid quality certificate (proving the quality for export with a document),
  • Increasing customer satisfaction and customer loyalty,
  • Reduction in error rates, waste, rework,
  • Ensuring that input, production and final controls are carried out effectively,
  • To facilitate the selection, evaluation and follow-up of suppliers,
  • Facilitating the determination and distribution of internal authorities and responsibilities,
  • Creating the documentation (infrastructure) that will standardize the business activities,
  • Establishing an infrastructure that will ensure that historical records are kept regularly,
  • To be able to make situational analyzes in line with data and statistical measurements and to
  • the use of these analysis results in decisions,
  • An important step towards institutionalization.

OHSAS 18001 is the “occupational health and safety” standard published by BSI (British Standards Institute). One of the important elements that distinguishes this standard from standards such as ISO 9001 or ISO 14001; OHSAS 18001 is for occupational health and safety rather than product or service safety. OHSAS 18001; Although it is a standard for hazard, hazard identification, risk and risk reduction; They form a whole with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

Benefits of OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System

  • It ensures that undesirable events that cause death, illness, injury, damage and other losses in the workplace are largely prevented.
  • It ensures the protection of resources by integrating occupational health and safety studies into other activities.
  • It shows that the commitment of the management is provided due to the importance given to health and safety issues.
  • By increasing the reputation of the institution, it gives a reliable company image in the public eye.
  • It increases the motivation and participation of the employees, makes them trust the institution, and contributes to the commitment to the values of the organization.
  • It shows compliance with national and international conditions and laws regarding occupational health and safety.
  • It ensures the systematic dissemination of occupational health and safety activities within the organization.
  • It provides a potential decrease in the number of occupational diseases and accidents, and prevents loss of workforce.
  • Potential reduction in downtime and associated costs.
  • It enables better management of health and safety risks, both today and in the future.
  • While ensuring occupational health, it contributes to customer satisfaction and loyalty by ensuring the continuity of products that meet customer demands.
  • It takes possible occupational accidents under control with risk management. It ensures that precautionary practices are clearly defined and that these activities are carried out. As a result, accidents are prevented.
  • It prevents production from stopping and slowing down due to accidents and diseases, reduces compensation costs, penalties and compensations, and reduces operating costs.
  • It provides competitive advantage by increasing the prestige of the organization.
  • With the measures taken in the working environment, fire, explosion, machine malfunctions, etc. that may endanger the business. As a result of the elimination of these situations, it ensures operational safety and strengthens the safety culture.
  • By minimizing work and workforce losses that may occur due to work accidents and occupational diseases, it provides an increase in work efficiency and a decrease in costs.
  • It proves the sensitivity of the organization to occupational safety in front of official authorities.
  • With the advantage of establishing a system integrated with other management system standards, it saves documents, effort and system.
Our ISO 9001:2015 Certificate

The document shows that the products and services of the organization are produced in accordance with an internationally accepted standard. The standard has been developed by the International Organization of Standardization (IOS), headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, to which more than 90 countries are members. The authority to authorize certification companies is given to the accreditation boards of the member countries.


Benefits of ISO 9001:2015

  • Increasing the quality awareness of the employees,
  • Increasing the company’s market reputation (prestige),
  • To differentiate from competitors in marketing activities,
  • Benefiting from the commercial advantages of acquiring an internationally valid quality certificate (proving the quality for export with a document),
  • Increasing customer satisfaction and customer loyalty,
  • Reduction in error rates, waste, rework,
  • Ensuring that input, production and final controls are carried out effectively,
  • To facilitate the selection, evaluation and follow-up of suppliers,
  • Facilitating the determination and distribution of internal authorities and responsibilities,
  • Creating the documentation (infrastructure) that will standardize the business activities,
  • Establishing an infrastructure that will ensure that historical records are kept regularly,
  • To be able to make situational analyzes in line with data and statistical measurements and to
  • the use of these analysis results in decisions,
  • An important step towards institutionalization.
Our OHSAS 18001:2007 Certificate

OHSAS 18001 is the “occupational health and safety” standard published by BSI (British Standards Institute). One of the important elements that distinguishes this standard from standards such as ISO 9001 or ISO 14001; OHSAS 18001 is for occupational health and safety rather than product or service safety. OHSAS 18001; Although it is a standard for hazard, hazard identification, risk and risk reduction; They form a whole with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

Benefits of OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System

  • It ensures that undesirable events that cause death, illness, injury, damage and other losses in the workplace are largely prevented.
  • It ensures the protection of resources by integrating occupational health and safety studies into other activities.
  • It shows that the commitment of the management is provided due to the importance given to health and safety issues.
  • By increasing the reputation of the institution, it gives a reliable company image in the public eye.
  • It increases the motivation and participation of the employees, makes them trust the institution, and contributes to the commitment to the values of the organization.
  • It shows compliance with national and international conditions and laws regarding occupational health and safety.
  • It ensures the systematic dissemination of occupational health and safety activities within the organization.
  • It provides a potential decrease in the number of occupational diseases and accidents, and prevents loss of workforce.
  • Potential reduction in downtime and associated costs.
  • It enables better management of health and safety risks, both today and in the future.
  • While ensuring occupational health, it contributes to customer satisfaction and loyalty by ensuring the continuity of products that meet customer demands.
  • It takes possible occupational accidents under control with risk management. It ensures that precautionary practices are clearly defined and that these activities are carried out. As a result, accidents are prevented.
  • It prevents production from stopping and slowing down due to accidents and diseases, reduces compensation costs, penalties and compensations, and reduces operating costs.
  • It provides competitive advantage by increasing the prestige of the organization.
  • With the measures taken in the working environment, fire, explosion, machine malfunctions, etc. that may endanger the business. As a result of the elimination of these situations, it ensures operational safety and strengthens the safety culture.
  • By minimizing work and workforce losses that may occur due to work accidents and occupational diseases, it provides an increase in work efficiency and a decrease in costs.
  • It proves the sensitivity of the organization to occupational safety in front of official authorities.
  • With the advantage of establishing a system integrated with other management system standards, it saves documents, effort and system.