The document shows that the products and services of the organization are produced in accordance with an internationally accepted standard. The standard has been developed by the International Organization of Standardization (IOS), headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, to which more than 90 countries are members. The authority to authorize certification companies is given to the accreditation boards of the member countries.
Benefits of ISO 9001:2015
- Increasing the quality awareness of the employees,
- Increasing the company’s market reputation (prestige),
- To differentiate from competitors in marketing activities,
- Benefiting from the commercial advantages of acquiring an internationally valid quality certificate (proving the quality for export with a document),
- Increasing customer satisfaction and customer loyalty,
- Reduction in error rates, waste, rework,
- Ensuring that input, production and final controls are carried out effectively,
- To facilitate the selection, evaluation and follow-up of suppliers,
- Facilitating the determination and distribution of internal authorities and responsibilities,
- Creating the documentation (infrastructure) that will standardize the business activities,
- Establishing an infrastructure that will ensure that historical records are kept regularly,
- To be able to make situational analyzes in line with data and statistical measurements and to
- the use of these analysis results in decisions,
- An important step towards institutionalization.